Nutrition tips for winter respiratory illnesses

The common cold and other respiratory illnesses are abundant this season. Nutrition can plan a role in prevention and healing from our ailments. Here are a few nutrients to consider increasing:

  1. Vitamin D: Prevention of acute respiratory illness. The best source of Vitamin D is the sunshine. In northern New England, our skin is not absorbing much sun in the winter months. Food sources of Vitamin D include fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, and tuna. Aim for two servings of these fish per week! As a bonus, the polyunsaturated fat in these fish sources are important for a healthy immune system.

  2. Zinc: Lung health and prevention. Zinc can be found in a variety of beans (kidney, lima, chickpeas), nuts (cashews, peanuts), shellfish, and seeds (flax, pumpkin). One of the best sources of zinc are oysters - slurp away!

  3. Vitamin C: Antioxidant with a strong immune response. The best sources of Vitamin C are fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, and kiwis. Remember, eating the fruit, rather than fruit juice, is always a healthier choice because it includes the benefits of fiber.

We must stress the importance of good sleep and drinking enough fluids (pure water, please!) to round out our healthy nutrition.

Stay healthy in these last few weeks of winter!


Myths of nutrition #3: To gain more muscle, I need to eat more protein.